Portugisisch (Muttersprache), Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Italienisch
1 – BRANCO, P., WEIDLICH, P., RÖSING, C. K., OPPERMANN, R. V. Clinical Study of Supragingival Plaque Formation Adjacent to Dentogingival Area in Experimentally-Induced Gingivitis in Smokers and Non-Smokers. Oral health Prev Dent. No prelo.
2 – BRANCO, P., BASUALDO, A. Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial on the Use of Preoperative Anxiolytic on Implantology. Implant News, v. 9, p 40-47, 2012
3 – CLOSS, L. Q., BRANCO, P., RIZZATO, S. D., RAVELI, D. B., RÖSING, C. K. Gingival margin alterations and the pre-orthodontic treatment amount of keratinized gingiva. Brazilian Oral Research, v.21, n. 1, p.58-63, 10.1590/S1806-8 – 2007.
4 – CLOSS, L. Q., SQUEFF, K., RÖSING, C. K., BRANCO, P. Associação entre a quantidade de gengiva inserida pré-tratamento ortodôntico e retrações gengivais decorrentes (Association between the amount of attached gingiva pre-orthodontic treatment and gingival recession caused). In: 22ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica, 2005, Águas de Lindóia/SP, Brazil. São Paulo: Brazilian Oral Research, 2005. v.19. p.47.
5 – CLOSS, L. Q., ROSING, C. K., BRANCO, P. Association of keratinized gingival width and gingival recession during orthodontic treatment. In: 6th International Orthodontic Congress, 2005, Paris. World Journal of Orthodontics Special Supplement. Paris: Quintessence Publishing Co., 2005.
6 – CLOSS, L. Q., SQUEFF, K., ROSING, C. K., BRANCO, P. Ocorrência, extensão e severidade das alterações da margem gengival pós-tratamento ortodôntico em adolescentes (Occurence, extent, and severity of gingival margin changes after orthodontic treatment in teenagers). In: 10ª Jornada Odontológica Sul-Riograndense (Rio Grande do Sul Dental Congress) 2005, Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil. 10ª Jornada Odontológica Sul-Riograndense. Porto Alegre: PUC, 2005.
7 – CLOSS, L. Q., BRANCO, P., GHRES, B. Associação de recessões gengivais com movimentação ortodôntica nos incisivos inferiores (Association of gingival recession with orthodontic movement in lower incisors). In: 4º Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial (Brazilian Association of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Congress), 2003, Curitiba. CD do 4º Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial. Associação Brasileira de Ortodontia, 2003. p.9 – 9.
1 – CASARIN, Rejane Clorinda. Superior labial frenum: diagnosis and surgical treatment. 2009. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ). 2 – DUARTE, Grasiela Peroni. Full-Mouth: periodontal treatment in a short-period of time. 2009. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
3 – ANDREOLLA, Evandro Tonial. Use of cyanocrilate for closure of oral incisions: a review. 2009. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ). 4 – ROHDE, Christiane. Reduction of postoperative sensitivity by protecting the pulp-dentin. 2008. Spezialisierung in Restorative Dentistry, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
5 – MENEGOTTO, Maria Helena Bortolon. Bacterial plaque mechanical control. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ). 6 – SPONCHIADO, Simone. Periodontal disease associated with diabetes-mellitus. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
7 – ARBOIT, Paulo Romeu. Maxillary sinus grafting for dental implant placement. 2007. Spezialisierung in Implantologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ). 8 – BAKRI, Nasin Faiek Yasin. Papilla formation in dental implants. 2007. Spezialisierung in Implantologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
9 – DOS SANTOS, Cristiano Figueiredo. Digital radiographic subtraction on progression of periodontal disease. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ). 10 – REIS, Diego Zimmerman. Use of autogenous tissue grafting in periodontal plastic surgery – the search for aesthetic gingiva. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
1 – JÄGER, Letícia. Placement of dental implants in patients who lost their teeth for periodontal disease. 2011. Spezialisierung in Implantologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
2 – SCHMIDT, Henrique Camargo. Hypersensitivity in periodontal disease. 2009. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
3 – JÄGER, Letícia. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins – clinical viability of Periodontology. 2009. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
4 – CONTERNO, Laura Dilda Posser. Gingival enlargement induced by systemic medication. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
5 – MEZZOMO, Marcos Aurélio. BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) and its Use in Guided Bone Regeneration in Periodontics. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).
6 – CALDAS, Luciano de Oliveira. Use of Systemic Antibiotics in the Treatment of Periodontitis. 2007. Spezialisierung in Parodontologie, Faculdade Ingá (UNINGÁ).